Sample Response
JSON Data with HTTP Code 200
If all goes well, the response will be an HTTP 200 code and the response_code in the JSON will be 0.
"result_info": {
"response_code": 0,
"response_description": ""
"results": {
"items_included": 1,
"diamonds": [
"diamond_id": 329457518,
"item_type": "Natural Single",
"item_type_id": 1,
"status_id": 1,
"allow_buy_now": false,
"guaranteed_availability": true,
"shape_id": 3,
"shape": "Round",
"weight": 1,
"color_type": "Color",
"color_description": "E",
"color": "E",
"natural_fancy_color_intensity": "",
"natural_fancy_color": "",
"natural_fancy_color_2": "",
"natural_fancy_color_overtone": "",
"natural_fancy_color_overtone_2": "",
"natural_fancy_color_overtone_3": "",
"treated_color": "",
"clarity": "VVS2",
"cut_grade": "Good",
"cut_grade_short": "GD",
"lab": "GIA",
"grading_report_number": "2466517090",
"polish": "Excellent",
"polish_short": "EX",
"symmetry": "Very Good",
"symmetry_short": "VG",
"fluorescence_intensity": "None",
"fluorescence_color": "",
"source_country_name": "Hong Kong",
"source_region_name": "",
"girdle": "",
"girdle_short": "",
"girdle_from": "",
"girdle_to": "",
"culet_size": "None",
"culet_condition": "",
"measurements": "6.12x6.06x4.05",
"measurements_length": 6.12,
"measurements_width": 6.06,
"measurements_height": 4.05,
"ratio": "1.01",
"total_depth": 66.5,
"table_width": 62,
"crown_height": 16,
"crown_angle": 39.5,
"pavilion_depth": 44,
"pavilion_angle": 41.4,
"shade": "",
"milky": "None",
"black_inclusion": "Light",
"eye_clean": "",
"supplier_stock_reference": "100753350796",
"supplier_name": "KIRAN GEMS PVT. LTD",
"matching_pair_stock_reference": null,
"is_part_of_pair": false,
"is_pair_separable": false,
"has_report_link": true,
"report_file_url": "",
"diamond_image_url": "",
"small_image_url": "",
"online_report_url": "",
"viewer3D_url": "",
"video_url": "",
"other_visual_url": [],
"enhancement": "",
"provenance_report": "",
"provenance_report_url": "",
"brand": "",
"availability": "Guaranteed Availability",
"availability_short": "GA",
"update_date": "14/05/2023",
"remarks": "Additional clouds are not shown. Pinpoints are not shown. Needle. Feather. Cloud. Indented Natural. Natural",
"price_per_carat": 0,
"price_total": 0,
"idex_list_price_per_carat": 8500,
"percent_off_idex_list_price": -100